The Profession Develops Introduction

The Profession Develops category attempts to place resources from the Rosen collection within the context of important trends influencing development of the profession of veterinary medicine. The collection includes printed English language materials published during the 17th to mid 20th centuries in Britain and North America). The collection naturally has gaps, therefore, some important events in the history of the profession, though mentioned, may not be represented by materials in the collection. The history and literature of animal health and its evolution into the profession of veterinary medicine is divided into pre- and post- 18th century eras.

Prior to the 18th century, archaeological and other historical evidence indicates that animal care was practiced in pre-history and in subsequent civilizations by caregivers with varying levels of experience and knowledge. The record of animal care, lost and recovered over the centuries, eventually began to be shared more widely as developments in the technology of mass printing occurred.

Subsequently, during the 18th century, and the next two centuries, animal care in Europe and North America evolved into the profession known as veterinary medicine. A number of contributing factors can be identified, including:

• increasing toll of human and animal infectious diseases;
• society’s dependence on horses;
• increasing industrialization and urbanization; and
• organizing the profession.

Animal Care Prior to the 18th Century
Infectious Diseases
Dependence on Horses
Rural to Urban Movement
Professional Organizations

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