Rosen Rare Books by Date
Call numbers, University Library, University of Saskatchewan
16th century
Catonis, M., M. Varronis, L. Columellae and Palladi. Libre De Re Rustica. M. Catonis, Lib. I; M. Terentii Varronis, Lib. III; L. Columellae, Lib. XII; Palladii, Lib. XIIII. 1528.
S492 C6 1528
17th century
Markham, Gervase. Cheap and Good Husbandry… 13th Ed., London: Printed by E.H. for George Sawbridge, 1676
SF69 .M37 1676
18th century
Beckford, Peter. Thoughts Upon Hare and Fox Hunting in a Series of Letters to a Friend… London: Printed for Vernor and Hood, 1796
SK285 .B39 1796
Clark, J.; A Treatise on the Prevention of Diseases Incidental to Horses… Edinburgh: W. Smellie Printed for the Author, 1788
SF955 .C537 1788
Coleman, Edward. Observations on the Structure, Oeconomy, and Diseases of the Foot of the Horse and on the Principles and Practice of Shoeing, Vol. I, 1798; London: Printed for author; and Sold at the Veterinary College; at the Forges in Grosvenor Mews, Bond Street, and Curtain Road, Finsbury Square; Also by J. Johnson, St. Paul’s Church Yard; C. Dilly, Poultry; and J. Cox, Borough, 1798.
SF907 .C6 1798
Gibson, W. The Farriers Dispensatory, in Three Parts… London: Printed for W. Taylor At The Ship & Black Swan…, 1721.
SF915 .G43 1721
Gibson, William. A New Treatise of the Diseases of Horses… 2nd ed. Vol. II. London: Printed for A. Millar, 1754
SF955 .G5 1754 v.2
Osbaldiston, William Augustus. The British Sportsman, or Nobleman, Gentleman and Farmer’s Dictionary of Recreation and Amusement … Printed … By J. Stead; and Sold by Champante and Whitrow, …; and at the British Directory Office, … 1792.
SK11 .O.81 1792
Taplin, William. The Gentleman’s Stable Directory or, Modern System of Farriery… 2 vols. 12th ed. Philadelphia: Printed by T. Dobson, 1794
SF955 .T336 1794
Topham, Thomas. A new compendious system on several diseases incident to cattle… Printed by L. Pennington … and sold by Scatcherd and Whitaker … and T. Scollick … London, 1787
SF961 .T66 1787
19th century
Allen, Lewis F. American Cattle: Their History, Breeding and Management. New York: Orange Judd and Co., 1868
SF196 .U5A42 1868
Beaumont, T.; The Complete New Cow Doctor… With a Concise Treatise on Farriery. Manchester: Printed by S. Johnson, 1835.
SF961 .B43 1835
Berkeley, Grantley F. Fact Against Fiction … Hydrophobia and Distemper; with Some Remarks of Darwin. 2 vols. London: Samuel Tinsley, 1874
SF991 .B47 1874
Blacklock, Ambrose. A Treatise on Sheep. Glasgow: W.R. McPhun, 1840
SF375 .B62 1840
Blaine, Delabere P. (Delabere Pritchett). Canine pathology: or a description of the diseases of dogs, with their causes, symptoms, and mode of cure … 2nd ed. London: Printed for Boosey and Sons, 1824.
SF991 .B63 1824
Clater, Francis. Every Man His Own Farrier:… Together with Rarey’s Treatment and Management of the Horse. London: Milner and Sowerby, 1880
SF955 C6 1880
Constable, H. Strickland and W. Hill; Observations Suggested by the Cattle Plague About Witchcraft, Credulity, Superstition and Parliamentary Reform. London: Dalton and Lacey, 1866
SF966 .C75 1866
Dick, William. Occasional Papers on Veterinary Subjects by William Dick: with a Memoir by R.O. Pringle. Edinburgh; London: William Blackwood and Sons, 1869
SF747 .D535 1869
Fleming, G. Practical Horseshoeing; with 29 illustrations. 1st ed., 1888; New York: D. Appleton, 1888
SF907 .F636 1888
Gamgee, John. Dairy Stock: its Selection, Diseases, and Produce with a Description of the Brittany Breed. Edinburgh: Thomas C. Jack, 1861
SF239 G19 1861
Gamgee, John. Our Domestic Animals in Health and Disease. 3rd ed. Vol. I and Vol. II. Edinburgh: Maclachlan & Stewart, 1862
SF761 .G34 1876 v. I
SF761 .G34 1876 v. II
Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords. Select Committee on rabies in Dogs. Report from the Select Committee of the House of Lords on Rabies in Dogs: Together with the Proceedings of the Committee, Minutes of Evidence and Appendix. London: Printed by H. Hansard and Son and published by Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1887
SF797 .G74 1887
Gresswell, George. The Bovine Prescriber: Drawn up for Veterinary Practitioners and Students 2nd ed., London: Ballière, Tindall & Cox, 1894.
SF961 .G75 1894
Gunther, F.A. New Manual of Homeopathic Veterinary Medicine: or the Homeopathic Treatment of the Horse, the Ox, the Sheep, the Dog, and other Domestic Animals. Translated from the third German edition. 3rd ed., Boston: Otis Clapp, School Street, 1847
SF746 .G85 1847
Horne, Thomas Hartwell. The Complete Grazier of Farmer’s and Cattle Breeder’s and Dealer’s Assistant… by a Lincolnshire Grazier. 7th ed. London: T.M. Craddock, 1839
SF511 .H68 1839
Jennings, Robert. Horse-training Made Easy … Philadelphia: John E. Potter, 1866
SF287 .J46 1866
Jennings, Robert. The Horse and His Diseases: Embracing His History and Varieties, Breeding and Management and Vices… Philadelphia: Keystone Pub., 1890
SF951 .J54 1890
Law, James. The Canadian Farmer’s Veterinary Adviser: Being a Guide to the Prevention and treatment of all Diseases of the Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Dogs, and Fowls… Toronto: A.H. Hovey, 188?
SF 751 .L41 188?
Lawrence, John. British Field Sports… London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1818
SK185 .S368 1818
Lowson, G. The Modern Farrier: Containing the Causes, Symptoms … London: Barr & Company, 1842.
SF745 .L69 1842
McClure, Robert. Diseases of the horse and cattle and sheep: their treatment, with a list and full description of the medicines employed by Robert McClure; with treatment of the late epizootic influenza or "Canadian horse distemper", by Dr. Andrew Smith, and A new system of educating and training the horse, by O.H. Rockwell. Toronto: A.H. Hovey, 1873
SF781 .M33 1873
McEachran, Duncan and Andrew Smith. The Canadian Horse and His Diseases. Toronto: J. Campbell & Son, 1867
SF955 .M28 1867
Mayhew, Edward. The Illustrated Horse Doctor… Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1862
SF955 .M469 186?
Miles, W.J. Modern Practical Farriery: A Complete System of the Veterinary Art. Part II. London: William Mackenzie, 1892
SF285 .M55 1892 Pt. 2
Moore, James. Common Diseases of Animals and Their Homeopathic Treatment. Manchester: H. Turner; London: T. Sanderson, 1859
SF996 .M66 1859
Moubray, Bonington. A Practical Treatise on Breeding, Rearing and Fattening all Kinds of Domestic Poultry, Pheasants, Pigeons and Rabbits... 3rd ed. London: Printed for Sherwood, Neely and Jones, 1819.
SF487 .M86 1819
See also John Lawrence, Moubray, Bonington is a pseudonym.
Percivall, William. The Diseases of the Chest and Air-passages of the Horse, being Part I, Vol II of the author’s “Hippopathology”. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1853
SF955 .D439 1853
Percivall, William. Lameness of the Horse with Lithographic Plates, being Part I, Vol. IV of the author’s “Hippopathology”. London: Longman, Green, Longmans, Roberts, and Green, 1865
SF959 .L25P47 1865
Percivall, William. Lameness of the Horse, being Part II, Vol. IV of the author’s “Hippopathology”. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1852
SF959 .L25P47 1852
Percivall, William. The Diseases of the Chest and Air-passages of the Horse, being Part I, Vol II of the author’s “Hippopathology”. London: Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1853
SF955 .D439 1853
Percivall, William. Lameness of the Horse with Lithographic Plates, being Part I, Vol. IV of the author’s “Hippopathology”. London: Longman, Green, Longmans, Roberts, and Green, 1865
SF959 .L25P47 1865
Percivall, William. Lameness of the Horse, being Part II, Vol. IV of the author’s “Hippopathology”. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1852
SF959 .L25P47 1852
Percivall, William. A Systematic Treatise on the Diseases of the Horse, being Vol. III of the author’s “Hippopathology”. London: Longman, Brown, Green Longmans, and Roberts, 1858
SF959 .L25P47 1858
Rarey, H.S. The Farmer’s Friend: the Horseman’s Guide, and Horsemanship Made Easy in One Lesson. Montreal: J. Lovell, 1868.
SF287 .R24 1868
Rush, John. The Hand-Book to Veterinary Homeopathy… Philadelphia: F.E. Boericke, 1885
SF746 .R895 1885
Simonds, James Beart; The Age of The Ox, Sheep, and Pig … London: W.S. Orr, 1854
SF746 .R895 1885
Sisson, Septimus. Ligaments and Muscles of the Horse. Toronto: J.A. Carveth, 1895
SF765 .S58 1895
Skeavington, George. The Modern System of Farriery: as Practiced at the Present Time at the Royal Veterinary College, London: The London Publishing and Printing Company, [185?]
SF285 .S55 185?
Smith, Andrew. Veterinary Notes on the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of the Diseases of Domestic Animals. Toronto: J.A. Carveth, 1902
SF749 .S64 1902
Stewart, John. Stable economy: a treatise on the management of horses … 2nd ed. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and Sons, 1838
SF285 .S85 1838
White, James. Compendium of The Veterinary Art, Containing Plain and concise Rules… 14th Ed., London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, London 1825.
SF753 .W59 1825
White, James. A Treatise on veterinary medicine. 5th ed. Vol. II. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1825.
SF753 .W59 1825 v.2
White, James. A Treatise on veterinary medicine. 7th ed. Vol. III. London: Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1825.
SF753 .W59 1825 v.3
Youatt, William. Cattle: Their Breeds, Management, and Diseases. New ed. London: Simpkin, Marshall, 1874
SF197 .Y67 1874
Youatt, William. The Dog. London: Charles Knight, 1845
SF427 .Y68 1845
Youatt, William. The Horse: With a Treatise of Draught. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1851
SF285 .Y68 1851
Youatt, William. Sheep: Their Breeds, Management, and Diseases… London: Baldwin & Craddock, 1837
SF375 .Y67 1837
Youatt, William. Youatt on the Structure and the Diseases of the Horse… 22nd ed. New York: C.M. Saxton, 1855
SF951 .Y67 1855
20th century
Biggle, Jacob. Biggle Poultry Book: A Concise And Practical Treatise on the Management of Farm Poultry. 7th ed., Philadelphia: Wilmer Atkinson, 1909.
SF487 .B6 1909
Courtenay, Edward. Manual of the Practice of Veterinary Medicine. 3rd ed., Revised by F.T.G. Hobday. London: Ballière, Tindall and Cox, 1913
SF761 .C79 1913
Cross, H.E. The Camel and its Diseases: Being Notes for Veterinary Surgeons and Commandants of Camel Corps. London: Ballière, Tindall and Cox, 1917.
SF997.5 .C3C76 1917
Cust, Mary Anne Lady. The Cat: Its History and Diseases. 2nd ed. London: Groombridge and Sons, 1870
SF442 .C87 1870
Dalziel, Hugh. The Diseases of Dogs, their Causes, Symptoms and Treatment… Chicago: Frederick J. Drake, 1901
SF991 .D34 1901
Forrest, Christopher. The Complete American Farrier and Horse Doctor... London: William Nicholson & Sons, 1923
SF951 .F73 1923
Gresswell, George. The Equine Hospital Prescriber: Drawn up for Veterinary Practitioners and Students. 3rd ed., Toronto, ON: J.A. Carveth, 1904
SF955 .G74 1904
H.M.S.O. Animal Management. London: Harrison and Sons, 1916.
UE460 .G75 1916
Hobday, Frederick T.G.; Canine and Feline Surgery; Edinburgh; London: W. & A. K. Johnston, 1900.
SF981 .H6 1900b
Hobday, F.T.G. Canine and Feline Surgery. New York: William R. Jenkins, 1900
SF981 .H6 1900
Hobday, Fred. T.G. The Castration of Cryptorchid Horses and the Ovariotomy of Troublesome Mares. New York: William R. Jenkins, 1903
SF871 .H62 1903
Hobday, Frederick T.G. Surgical Diseases of the Dog and Cat … 3rd ed., Rev. and enlg. London: Ballière, Tindall and Cox, 1924
SF981 .H6 1924
Law, James. The Horseman’s Friend and Veterinary Advisor: a Complete and Handy Treatise on Domestic Animals. Toronto: Musson Book Co., 19??
SF745 .L49 1900
Liautard, A.; Animal Castration; 12th Ed, rev. and enl., New York: William R. Jenkins, 1902
SF889 .L52 1902
Mayhew, Edward and Alfred J. Sewel.; Dogs and Their Management; 3rd Ed. Revised by Frederick W. Cousens. London: George Routledge, 1943
SF427 .M47 1943
McFadyean, John. The Anatomy of the Horse: a Dissection Guide. New York: William R. Jenkins, 1909
SF765 .M34 1909
Merillat, Louis A., Major. Veterinary Surgical Operations. Veterinary Surgery Vol. III, 2nd ed., Chicago: Alexander Eger, 1918
SF911 .M559 1918 v.3
Merillat, Louis A. Veterinary Surgical Operations. Veterinary Surgery Vol. II, Chicago: Alexander Eger, 1906
SF911 .M558 1906
Merillat, Louis J., Major; Edited, D.M. Campbell; Fistula of the Withers and Poll-Evil; Chicago: American Veterinary Publications, 1917
SF959 .F6M4 1917
Sisson, Septimus. The Anatomy of the Domestic Animals. 4th rev. ed. Revised by Grossman, James Daniels. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1961
SF761 .S62 1961
Sisson, Septimus. The Anatomy of the Domestic Animals; 2nd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 1917
SF761 .S62 1917
Smith, Frederick. A Manual of Veterinary Hygiene. London: Ballière, 1905
SF751 .S55 1905
Smith, Frederick. A Manual of Veterinary Physiology. New York: W.R. Jenkins, 1912
SF761 .S64 1912
Smith, Frederick. The Early History of Veterinary Literature and its British Development. London: J.A. Allen, 1919-
SF 615 .S64 4 volumes
Smith, Frederick. A History of the Royal Army Veterinary Corps, 1796-1919. London: Ballière, Tindall and Cox, 1927
UH650 .S647 1927
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